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WILG Orlando srl
Or­lan­do srl is lo­ca­ted in Chi­a­va­ri, near Ge­noa (I­ta­ly) and has been ex­por­ting its pro­ducts in all o­ver the world (in 119 coun­tries at the mo­ment) for 26 years, sin­ce its foun­da­tion in 1994.

The com­pa­ny is ISO cer­ti­fied and ta­kes part at the mo­st im­por­tant tra­de fairs in the sec­tor world­wide, as well as being pre­sent in the world's lead­ing spe­cia­li­zed ma­ga­zi­nes.

We are the world lea­der di­stri­bu­tor of Schnei­der E­lec­tric's o­ri­gi­nal pres­su­re switch­es, both Squa­re D and Té­lé­mé­ca­ni­que, and ac­ces­so­ries.

In ad­di­tion to this, we are one of the lead­ing com­pa­nies in Eu­ro­pe in the di­stri­bu­tion of the fol­low­ing pro­ducts:
  • 3", 4" and 6" sub­mer­sed pump bo­dies and mo­tors (and al­so other si­zes on de­mand)
  • sur­fa­ce and sub­mer­si­ble pumps
  • hy­drau­lic ac­ces­so­ries such as: pres­su­re gau­ges, fle­xi­ble ho­ses, val­ves, con­nec­tions, hou­sings and car­trid­ges, float swit­ches, flow swit­ches, tanks, etc.
  • e­lec­tri­cal ac­ces­so­ries such as: pres­sure re­gu­la­tors, con­trol box­es, con­tac­tors, cir­cuit brea­kers, re­lays, di­rect star­ters, ca­pa­ci­tors, cast-re­sins, etc.
We are in con­tact with the great part of the most im­por­tant fac­to­ries and we coo­pe­ra­te with al­most all the lea­ding fac­to­ries in the sec­tor (both as cu­sto­mers and sup­pliers), by pro­mo­ting main­ly the Ma­de in I­ta­ly pro­ducts.

In ad­di­tion, we have a wa­re­hou­se that can co­ver most of the pro­ducts shown in our ca­ta­lo­gue and web­site, gua­ran­tee­ing the fa­stest ser­vi­ce and de­li­ve­ry ti­me.

We work with net u­ni­ta­ry pri­ces ba­sed on the re­que­sted quan­ti­ties and this al­lows us to be ve­ry com­pe­ti­ti­ve on the pro­ducts you are in­te­re­sted in.

The strong point of our com­pa­ny is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to e­na­ble ex­cel­lent pur­chase fle­xi­bi­li­ty, of­fe­ring a wi­de ran­ge of pro­ducts of dif­fe­rent ty­pes and brands, all by the sa­me sup­plier; this means: a sin­gle pur­cha­se or­der, a sin­gle ship­ment, a sin­gle pay­ment, etc.

This ty­pe of ser­vi­ce has al­low­ed us du­ring the­se years to ob­tain cu­sto­mers who, for this rea­son, pre­fer­red to work with us in­stead of ma­ny fac­to­ries.
Water is Life Group
ISO 9001 Certified company
ISO Certificate
Quality Manifesto  open_in_new
® Orlando srl